The micro-blogging site intends to test technologies that will allow users to have greater control over who follows them, who can view their posts and likes, and a variety of other privacy-related capabilities in the future. The features are present in the development stage, and the firm has not yet made any public announcements regarding them. Twitter has introduced Safety Mode, which is intended to further protect the security of its users. The new feature temporarily disables accounts that use harsh or abusive words for a period of time. The Bloomberg reports that Twitter is considering rolling out a feature that will give the user the ability to edit follower lists, as well as a tool that will archive old tweets so that they do not appear on the feed or are no longer visible to the followers after a specific period of time. This might be a useful tool for those who do not want their new followers to view old tweets that they have sent out in the past. According to the findings of the survey, the vast majority of Twitter users are unsure of how the app works or what information about their profile is available to others. In light of these considerations, Twitter will begin requesting that users examine whether their accounts are public or private on the platform. “When people’s social privacy requirements are not satisfied, they restrict their ability to express themselves”. Svetlana Pimkina, a researcher at Twitter, explained how people disengage from a conversation when they feel uncomfortable. According to a story published by Gizmodo, Twitter will begin rolling out some of the new capabilities as early as next week. The remainder of the features is currently in the conceptualization stage. The following are some of the features that Twitter may implement soon.

  1. Hiding tweets: Twitter users have the option of hiding the tweets that they have liked. Users will be able to choose whether or not their followers will be able to see the liked posts thanks to the new feature. The user has the option of selecting from everyone, your followers, or groups.
  2. Removing followers: Similar to this, users will be able to delete followers from their list if they believe that the follower is interfering with their personal life or activities. Twitter intends to implement the follower removal feature before the end of next month.
  3. Leaving conversations: When a chat becomes overwhelming, users will soon be able to exit the conversation. When it comes to conversations that don’t concern them or are too poisonous, Twitter is investigating the possibility of allowing users to unmention themselves from them. This feature may be tried later on in the year if all goes well.
  4. Archived tweets: Twitter users may soon be able to hide outdated tweets from their feeds. There are certain tweets that you don’t want to delete, but you also don’t want them to appear on your account. According to a Bloomberg article, Twitter may allow users to select between a 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day time period for their tweets, or it may allow users to conceal messages after one year. There is currently no information available on when this feature will be tested.