Likewise, the selling point of Apple’s more recent line of iMacs is a 5K display, which boasts some of the highest quality visuals available. But what does all of this mean and can these beefed-up specs actually impact your day-to-day life?

Video Streaming

One way in which these companies compete in the market is by improving the quality of their streams. YouTube introduced 4K live streaming in 2016, for example, while Netflix is expanding its lineup of 4K content (available with an Ultra HD subscription). But, in order to enjoy and appreciate this content, you’ll need a 4K quality monitor.

Online Gaming

Another immediate impact that a higher quality screen will have on your day-to-day life is if you’re an online gamer. While some game genres, including online puzzle, are optimized for PC and Macs of all screen qualities and capabilities (including in-browser puzzle and downloadable puzzle clients), you will still benefit from improved screen resolutions. The improved graphics should add to the atmosphere whether you’re playing Texas Hold’Em, Omaha, or any other variation of the game. In some online games, though, such as League of Legends and Street Fighter 5, higher screen quality and visual fidelity is an absolute must. Frame rates allow you to understand what enemy characters are doing or planning exactly as it plays out, benefiting your reaction time and thus, your performance.

Professional Life

Many of us also use computers every day at work; whether that’s typing up reports, filling in spreadsheets, or just responding to customer queries on Twitter and Facebook. Even if your work is more administration-based as opposed to professional design work or photography which requires a greater range of colors in the display, your professional life could still benefit from an improved quality screen. Specifically, Tom’s Hardware recommends going for a flicker-free monitor or a screen with low levels of flicker, at least. Some users may be particularly sensitive to screen flickering, especially if you spend a lot of time looking at a screen all day, so it’s an important factor to consider. When buying a new computer or laptop, screen quality is clearly a massive factor. If you didn’t think it was important before, perhaps our guide above has made you think twice.