Pushing The Algorithm

The option to buy real likes on Youtube is an extremely popular choice for many beginners as they are one of the key factors that impact the ranking algorithms on YouTube – explains Sarah Andres, the content strategist and YouTube expert on VideosGrow. Many people think that once they make a purchase, the algorithm will work in their favor. But, Sarah notes, that the work is nearly not done at this point. YouTube ranking is sensitive to a bunch of factors, and simply by buying stats, you cannot improve your position. However, Sarah mentions that it is not completely pointless to buy this engagement type for YouTube, if you have a plan for your growth, that is proven to be effective without paid services. It can help you to stimulate organic growth and that will result in rating improvement.

Vanity And Public Validation

Exposing their life on social media is often connected to seeking approval from other people. The more people show their interest and appreciation of the content, the better the creator feels. And then, bloggers begin to crave even more likes, growing their ego along with the subscriber’s quantity. It is not a completely positive and healthy thing, because some people become obsessed with social media popularity, which is why society tries to change its focus and decrease the value of likes. However, as likes continue to be an important component of the ranking system, bloggers continue to motivate their viewers to hit thumbs up.

Is There Any Financial Motivation?

Alan Spicer who is also a known expert in YouTube growth, says that likes do not impact monetization directly. Content creators don’t get any fee as a user clicks the button. But, Alan states that although likes cannot bring any money, they are still helping to get a bigger profit, since they are impacting your rating on YouTube. If you have more of them, you get more visibility on the platform and that’s what helps to monetize your progress on YouTube.

Empowering The Engagement

What is precious for any blogger or business on YouTube is getting as much engagement as possible. Mainly, the creators aim for getting more activity from a lesser number of subscribers, as the modern ranking system appreciates activity before everything. So how likes are helping anyway? Likes are another measure of activity on YouTube that is taken into account by the system. So, by stimulating your viewers to hit thumbs up for every new video you upload, you still impact the rating and increase your engagement. As a blogger, you have to secure a stable flow of stats on your channel, including this measurement.

Monitoring And Analytics

Likes are one of the key stats that help bloggers to understand how their progress is going. Receiving many of them constantly means you are doing great. But what if you see the different dynamics of reaction to your videos? The one that has a lesser number of likes is material to think about. By analyzing all the stats that you got for a certain period of time, you can define the most engaging content as well as the least interesting to your audience. So, the main reason for asking for likes is exposure. You need them for:

improvement of your position on YouTube monitoring your audience engagement and interests Pushing the algorithm Receiving public validation.

How to get more of them, without begging for them? That is probably the question that concerns all bloggers because everybody understands that pleading for likes is pathetic and definitely won’t do any better for you. So, here are some tips that can help you in this delicate matter.

Don’t Start With It

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to motivating users for liking, share, and comment on your video, is to begin asking for that right away. What you should do is let your viewers get engaged first, and then remind them about their opportunity to like and share your video. Besides, it is not quite right to ask people to appreciate what they haven’t seen yet. So, place the note somewhere past the first half of your video, having your viewers already engaged with the material.

Be Nice

Don’t tell, but ask politely. Aggressive forms of marketing are not powerful on spice media. On the contrary, a polite and friendly manner of addressing your audience will be appreciated much, and fruitful for your growth too.

Explain Why You Need Likes

Be honest with your viewers and motivate them to help you develop your blog. Explain to your audience why likes are important for you and how they assist you in growth. Don’t look for excuses, but show how this type of engagement impacts the rating of your blog and thus you have motivation for further work, which means more worthy content for your audience.

Simply Work It Out

The best way to get likes on YouTube is to earn them like a professional. The best result that you can openly be proud of is the one that you have earned organically. The goal is to make authentic and valuable content that will speak for itself and give your viewers a good reason to support you without any additional effort. Knowing about competition nowadays, it truly is a task that’s hard to complete, but you must try. The YouTube crowd appreciates bloggers who obviously do their best and expose their passion for the subject they cover.

Final Words

So, why do bloggers need likes so desperately? Now we know – that is because they are a significant metric that impacts rating systems, and levers the algorithms that create suggested content for the audience. Also, likes help YouTube systems to indicate the personal preferences of each particular user and create the most comfortable and engaging environment, which will make them stay on the platform for a longer time – and that’s what the social network wants. Many experts, Sarah Andres and Alan Spicer among them, agree, that likes matter a lot also for building up the creator’s confidence and motivation to produce more worthy content, also helping the platform to expand and engage more people.